x-small < 768
small 768 - 992
medium 992 - 1200 medium 992 - 1200
large > 1200

CornwallRooms.com - Places to Stay, B&B, Guest Houses, Hotels in Cornwall

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Shopping near the Lyonesse Guest House - Falmouth, Cornwall

Nearby Hotels | Nearby Guest Houses

Distance (m)
Miller's Maritime Bookshop 0
15, Arwenack St, Falmouth, Cornwall 01326 314542
The Falmouth Bookseller http://www.signedbooks.co.uk/ 0
21, Church St, Falmouth, Cornwall 01326 312873
S.P.C.K Bookshop 7
8, St.Marys St, Truro, Cornwall 01872 272771
Waterstone's Bookshop http://www.waterstones.com/ 7
11-12, Boscawen St, Truro, Cornwall 01872 225765
WHSmith 7
9-9A, Pydar St, Truro, Cornwall 01872 272568
Willow Books 9
Unit 2A, United Downs Industrial Park, St. Day, Redruth, Cornwall 01209 822011
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