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CornwallRooms.com - Places to Stay, B&B, Guest Houses, Hotels in Cornwall

We search for accommodation in Cornwall so you don’t have to

About Cornwall Rooms

CornwallRooms.com - We do the searching so you don’t have to!

The founders of CornwallRooms.com have over 25 years experience in the hotel and software industries and have implemented a unique website in the travel market. CornwallRooms.com is a novel way of finding your ideal accommodation. Simply search for the type of property in the town or region you wish to stay in and we contact all the properties in our database that satisfy your requirements to find your ideal accommodation at the best possible price.

Shortly you will receive unique quotes tailor made for you by the hotels or guest houses that have availability. Then you can view the properties facilities, compare prices and book the one that takes your fancy. You can now relax knowing that your ideal accommodation is now booked.

We hope that you find CornwallRooms.com useful for finding great accommodation deals at the coolest locations at the best prices throughout Cornwall.

Coming soon – Self catering and cottages in Cornwall…

If you wish to contact us, email contact@CornwallRooms.com

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